
My name is Mary and I'm from the great state of Texas. I have been married to my best friend for 52 years. We have been blessed with 4 children, 9 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren and 3 wonderful son-in-laws. I would certainly be remiss if I didn't also mention our 2 dogbabies, Buddy Boy and Bitsy Baby. .
I've taken my blog in several directions over the past few years, trying to find my niche among all the talented bloggers out there.  So many pretty blogs ~ décor, crafts, needlework, devotionals, so much to enjoy. Some things I do pretty good, some things not so good, I'm certainly not a professional writer and don't claim to be. One thing I can do well is talk.  I love to visit and that's what I try to do here, visit with you just like you were sitting at my kitchen table ~ sharing a hot cup of coffee, or whatever you like to drink ~ talking about what's happening in our world.  I share a lot of my life because I have found that's what us women do....we like to talk about our children and grandchildren, our hubbies, what's on sale, new recipes and what's going on in the world around us.  We love sharing our faith and the goodness God has done in our lives.  So, when you Visit With Mary, there's always girl talk around the table.


  1. Nice to meet you, Mary!

    I would like to follow your blog, but can't figure out how!

  2. Mary, you have a beautiful blog. I love your cross stitch projects!


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